Product Manager & Tech Enthusiast

Hi there, I created this website as a brief overview of my professional work - a professional journal and website portfolio. I'm excited to share some of the things I have been up to in the recent past, and am confident I can deliver on your product goals.

Expanding on the Resumé.

Check out below some details (non-exhaustive) that expand on my resumé particularly in the sphere of product ownership, product management, and process improvement - a consistent theme that has emerged over my work history. 

Wheels Inc.

IT Business Analyst 

Solutions Engineer (Legacy Donlen)

Highlight on DEI Work:

BetterYou Consulting LLC (Self Employed)

ComEd Construct Cast Test Prep Website

Business Client(s): YWCA Metropolitan Chicago & St. Sabina Employment Resource Center

End User: Candidates for Commonwealth Edison's (ComEd) Infrastructure Academy - members of the public ages 18 and up who want to break into the utility and construction industries.

Challenge: Due to COVID-19 accelerate the digitization of the course delivery.

Role(s): Consultant. Create digital frontend for candidates. Ensure backend can handle student data (quiz scores). Ensure candidates can self-test. Ensure Agencies (YWCA and St. Sabina) can see candidate scores whenever they desire to.


St. Sabina Employment Resource Center (ERC)

ERC App Project

Business Client(s): Executive Director, internal directors, Thierer Family Foundation.

End User(s): Enrolled clients from the public

Developer(s): TangoCode (UX, UI, and engineering team), St. Sabina (Content - video, ppt's, text and quizzes)

My Role: Product Ownership of content development.

Challenge: content never recorded. Was always delivered live. Requirements were narrowed down to

Sample Outputs: Intro video (Marketing), Customer Service Workshop Content, & Interview Techniques Workshop Content

ERC and Chicago Department of Family Support Services (DFSS) Community Youth Service Corps program (CYSC)

Business Client(s): Executive Director, internal directors, DFSS.

End User(s): Enrolled clients from the public

Developer(s): St. Sabina 

Challenge: brand new program with new requirements, 95% online delivery required (outside of required wet signatures, picking up paycards, and scheduled in-person community activities) 

My Role: Product Ownership of content delivery system. Owning the client journey through the program. Create digital frontend for clients. Ensure backend can handle student data (journal entries). Ensure clients self manage project(s) and that director(s) can see client outputs (videos, posters, ppts, etc)

Product: Website

ERC Staff Landing Page (Internal)

Business Client(s): Executive Director, internal directors.

End User(s): ERC Staff

Developer(s): St. Sabina 

Challenge: solve department silos between youth and adult teams. Standardize template version in use across organization. Streamline client onboarding process.

My Role: Product Ownership of Staff Landing Page

Product: Website (access to staff only. Please see screenshot below.)

Tria Adelfi, LLC

Communication process improvement

Business Client(s): Senior property manager.

End User(s): tenants and front desk staff

Developer(s): IPM Software (Makers of Cornerstone Software)

Feature add: 

"As a tenant, I want to be able to submit an SMS or MMS from my phone to the management office so that I can communicate with the office via text"

"As a front desk staff I want Cornerstone Software to bounce SMS and MMS messages into the platform so I can receive communications via text from tenants"

"As a front desk staff I want ability to reply directly via platform to SMS/MMS the tenant"

Solution: Google Voice embedded into the platform.

Internal Work Order and Invoice Generating Management System

Used Excel VBA to automate collection, sorting and storing of work orders entered by front desk staff.

System was fully searchable across office Local Area Network by tenant name, tenant address, specific work requested, work order or date.

Tenant Balance Process improvement

Proprietary software was not nimble enough to handle tenant rent entry, update, and forecasting for payment plans.

Used Google Sheets to create a rent management system that was lightweight enough to use on the field and useful enough to: